How to Choose the Best Mailing List Service for Your Business

If you’re running a business and looking to get your message in front of the right people, one thing’s for sure: a great mailing list can make all the difference. But with so many mailing list services out there, how do you choose the best one for your business? Choosing the right mailing list service […]
Quality Data Powers Direct Mail’s Future
According to a recent report by Lob, a leading Direct Mail Automation company, Direct Mail Marketing in 2024 is alive and well. Direct Mail Marketing in 2024 Lob conducted a survey of 250 marketing professionals at large North American companies, who reported that: 84% say Direct Mail has the highest ROI of any marketing channel […]
Direct Mail In 2025
A recent post in Printing Impressions Magazine (you should checkout their podcast), Summer Gould is making some well articulated predictions for the future of Direct Mail Marketing. What’s Ahead for Direct Marketers ? According to Summer, Direct Mail is not only still alive and kicking as a form of creative, dynamic marketing medium but is […]
Why e-Commerce Companies Are Reconsidering Direct Mail
Direct Mail Sees Resurgence With Digital Brands Going “Analog” … A recent article published in ModernRetail online magazine , covers brands whose e-commerce business led them to focus on digital advertising mainly or only, and are making a change in their Marketing Mix, going back to using good old, tested and proven Direct Mail. Direct […]
Digital Advertising Magazine : Direct Mail Is Key To Your Business Success
Direct Mail Claiming Its Place Alongside Digital Platforms A recent article on DigiDay Magazine makes a clear argument for why Direct Mail should be used by every business in parallel to social media promotion and online advertising. The article discusses how Digital Platforms and Direct Mail marketing are converging due to the increasing use […]
Direct Mail Proves Successful During The Pandemic
You’ve probably reevaluated your marketing strategies since the beginning of the pandemic. After all, consumer buying has changed quite a bit. As we move into the next “new normal” phase, then, be sure to consider an omnichannel approach that includes direct mail marketing. For many, this begs a specific question: Why emphasize direct mail when […]
Why You Should Use Direct Mail During COVID-19
Why Direct Mail during COVID-19 ? I can sum it up into 3 words: because it works, but really there is a lot more to consider when choosing marketing channels. Direct mail has gotten a bad rap for the last few years by many marketers, but surprisingly consumers have shown an increased affection for mail […]
Our Mailing List Becomes a Free Online Campaign
Online for the price of Online In the age of Digital Marketing, how can you turn our affordable Mailing Lists into an effective online campaign as well as an offline one? Every business is always looking to grow and find new customers. Your business is no exception. The answer is simple – Marketing Marketing Marketing.You […]
Helping businesses With Direct Marketing…One business at a time
Most marketing Companies don’t understand the meaning of “FRESH” when it comes to new homeowners lists. Companies claim that they produce the freshest list when in reality their lists are 6 months old or even older! Why would any business want to purchase a stale list like that? Homeowners Marketing Services is based on helping […]
Marketers Grapple with Roadblocking Gmail Feature
The article below demonstrates why more marketing campaigns turn to Direct Mail, a proven and effective “unfiltered” channel. A new Gmail inbox makes it harder for retailers and other email marketers to get out their messages. Recognizing the volume of emails can be overwhelming, the Google-owned email service has been rolling out an inbox that […]