Direct Mail Labels Explained
Understanding Your Weekly Labels
If you are a customer receiving peel-n-stick mailing labels from us, or a file with which you print your own labels, then this PDF can help you explain the coding used within each label.
As the space on an Avery label is limited, we use custom coding to carry valuable information within this limited space.

However, this coding scheme makes it sometimes hard to understand. We recommend printing a copy of this PDF diagram and keep handy so when you get your labels, it will always be there to help you decode and better understand the entire information provided about the New Homeowner lead in each label.
To download this PDF, please press the link or click on the thumbnail at the bottom of this page.
Please feel free to contact us via phone or email with any question or concern.
We are here to serve you.
To download this PDF, please press the link or click on the thumbnail at the bottom of this page.
Please feel free to contact us via phone or email with any question or concern.
We are here to serve you.