Direct Marketing Mailing Lists
Direct Mail Solutions for Effective Marketing
How Does Direct Mail Work?
Recent studies show why direct mail marketing can boost sales for almost any business. Here are just a few findings:
Who we are
We are a reputable, yet humble, direct mail company. We’ve been in business for almost 50 years and have served over 60,000 businesses.
What we offer
We send you leads who match your criteria each week. Tell us where you serve customers, who they are and what in your experience makes them buy. We turn it into a target audience to whom you send an offer each week.
Where we are
Located in the heart of North Hollywood, CA, Homeowners Marketing Services, Inc. has been operating for over 50 years.
- 98% of consumers bring their mail in the house the same day it’s delivered
- 84% have purchased an item after seeing it in a Direct Mail catalog
- 84% of Millennials take the time to look through their mail
- 80% of Direct Mail recipients read or at least scan their mail
- 70% of Americans say mail is more personal than the internet
- 64% of Millennials would rather scan for information in the mail over email
Businesses like yours use our Direct Mail Solutions to reach new customers weekly.
2 Weeks’ Free Supply of Sales Leads
Our special customization process allows you to instantly filter out prospects that don’t fit your customer profile. This saves you time, by not trying to contact people that simply don’t buy your type of product or service. Smart, simple and quick.
- No financial information or commitment required.
- We bet you will find a few new customers while trying.