What We Offer

Since 1967, we have been providing our clients across the nation exactly what they need with speed and accuracy. Marketing Lists (mainly New Homeowners Mailing Lists) have been our core competency for over 4 decades. Our method of compiling data ensures our lists are always fresh and reliable. We target the buyers that other marketing channels can’t reach as quickly as you will by using our list.

Available By Order or Subscription

Call Our Experts for information and lead estimates for your business area and for custom tailored solutions to fit your goals and budget.

Direct Mail Marketing Lists


Delivered The Way You Want

  • Mailing lists are delivered via email in various formats
  • Our mailing lists are always fresh, accurate, and free of duplication
  • 93% of all mailing addresses are guaranteed to be delivered
  • We distribute lists weekly, monthly or daily.
    Additional fees apply for daily delivery; consult our list expert for details

Customized List Selects

  • We’ll customize your new homeowner mailing list based
    on your preferred geographical marketing areas
  • Lists can be pulled by region, individual counties,
    zip codes, and by radius
  • Select and target new homeowners based on property value
  • Get names of those who refinanced
  • Include or exclude:
    • Home loan amount
    • Purchase price of home
    • Family vs. Multi-dwelling units
    • Ethnicity

Additional Services

  • 10%-15% Phone numbers are available for sales force follow-up
  • Upon request, we’ll provide your mailing list on easy peel and stick labels
  • We offer extensive and accurate back-lists of homeowners
  • Our experts are available to assist you with your mail piece

100% of Businesses Need Marketing

New businesses are started in America every day. 
More than half a million per year, according to the SBA (Small Business Administration).

As a business owner or employee, you know well, the first order of business is “find customers”… but how? 
Most businesses start because they have some customers, who have “gotten them going”. But, as they expand their business, in hope to find more customers – the question is asked – how?
The answer – Marketing.

Marketing is the art of reaching out to audiences, and telling your business’ story in a way that presents itself as the solution to a problem of another business or consumer.

Businesses who sell to other businesses (also known as “B2B”) find this problem much harder than those selling to consumers. Consumers are reachable on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. But how do you reach businesses, especially new and growing ones, where there is a small team, busy at making ends meet, and convince them to give you the time of day to hear about the solution you have to their problems?

The answer – Direct Marketing.

98% Don’t Have a Marketing Person

According to data from the Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs, there were 5.6 million employer firms in the United States in 2016:

  • Firms with fewer than 500 workers accounted for 99.7% of those businesses.
  • Firms with fewer than 100 workers accounted for 98.2%.
  • Firms with fewer than 20 workers made up 89%.

Add in the number of nonemployer businesses – there were 24.8 million in 2016 – then the share of U.S. businesses with less than 20 workers increases to 98%.

Again – read carefully: 
98% of all businesses in America have 20 or less employees

These are not businesses with a marketing department. If you are the owner or employee of one of those millions of businesses, you now have to ask yourself: How do I find new businesses to become my customers?

Enter – Homeowners Marketing New Business Mailing List.
If you are in the 98% of businesses without a marketing team – let us do your marketing for you.

New Business Mailing List – Affordable, Effective Marketing

Each week, we compile a verified list of new businesses across America.

We even accurately separate those operating as a home business, versus those operating out of a commercial office.

We provide you with the company name and their telephone number, each week.

This way, you only get those businesses that are worth approaching, at the RIGHT TIME, and unlike competitors, we don’t overwhelm you with a huge list you can’t even work, just because they don’t update frequently.

Of course we only provide you those businesses in the geographical footprint of your business. That is to say – only those who are close enough to you, in order to provide services.

Effective Marketing is Now Affordable

The service is affordable, weekly based and allows you to keep changing your criteria, until you see results. And you will see results as soon as you start mailing or calling these businesses.

All you have to do is write down your proposition, your special offer, the thing that you know makes your business irresistible to other businesses. Then either print it on a personalized letter (we’ll show you how) , or print a postcard.

Mail your letter or postcard once a week, when we provide you with your leads. Your next customer is just a mail stamp away.

If you prefer telemarketing – just call the leads we provide you or hire a call center to do it for you.

In 2018, nearly 35.5 million Americans moved, with many choosing to relocate to a new home, and others moving as a result of a new job or job transfer. In fact, moving is a major factor of why the average business can lose up to 25 percent of its loyal customer base annually.

Moving season begins when schools’ summer breaks begin, as parents find moving is easier when school and recreational activities are at a minimum. By the numbers, new movers spend more money in their first six months in a new community than current residents spend in three years. These new community members are looking for ways to connect and settle into their new homes and neighborhoods, and are five times more likely to become loyal customers to businesses that reach out to them in a welcoming way. All the more reason why developing a powerful marketing plan is vital to gain new movers as new customers, often for life.

Businesses of all kinds – dentists, restaurants, doctors, insurance, dry cleaners, veterinarians, home improvement, lawn care, churches, and more – can benefit from using our new movers marketing mailing list executing affordable direct mail campaigns. By welcoming new movers and inviting them to visit enhances brand awareness, increases customer bases, and improves ROI as new residents take advantage of your compelling offers.

Got more questions? Don’t hesitate and contact us today – we’ll provide you with consulting, estimates of number of leads you can get based on your criteria of an ideal customer and overlaying that criteria on our accurate and fresh new movers database.

We can provide our new movers’ mailing list in any format that fits your needs delivered either electronically or via USPS mail.

Our mailing lists are compiled each week and provide major brands as well as small businesses, the power to reach the right audience at the right time.

In 2018, nearly 35.5 million Americans moved, with many choosing to relocate to a new home, and others moving as a result of a new job or job transfer. In fact, moving is a major factor of why the average business can lose up to 25 percent of its loyal customer base annually.

Moving season begins when schools’ summer breaks begin, as parents find moving is easier when school and recreational activities are at a minimum. By the numbers, new movers spend more money in their first six months in a new community than current residents spend in three years. These new community members are looking for ways to connect and settle into their new homes and neighborhoods, and are five times more likely to become loyal customers to businesses that reach out to them in a welcoming way. All the more reason why developing a powerful marketing plan is vital to gain new movers as new customers, often for life.

Businesses of all kinds – dentists, restaurants, doctors, insurance, dry cleaners, veterinarians, home improvement, lawn care, churches, and more – can benefit from using our new movers marketing mailing list executing affordable direct mail campaigns. By welcoming new movers and inviting them to visit enhances brand awareness, increases customer bases, and improves ROI as new residents take advantage of your compelling offers.

Got more questions? Don’t hesitate and contact us today – we’ll provide you with consulting, estimates of number of leads you can get based on your criteria of an ideal customer and overlaying that criteria on our accurate and fresh new movers database.

We can provide our new movers’ mailing list in any format that fits your needs delivered either electronically or via USPS mail.

Our mailing lists are compiled each week and provide major brands as well as small businesses, the power to reach the right audience at the right time.

Insurance X dates are now available.

List consists of 10 month X dates accurate and fresh data. 

Great marketing resource for insurance agencies looking for consumers in current need of insurance products.

Call for details.

We have the most fresh, fast mailing list in the country.

Our list is compiled weekly and it’s the best there is.

Our Home Refinance Mailing List contains all homes across the nation who have closed on a new refinance for their property.

Call us for more details.

You can also use our counts and quotes system to get an online estimate on the refinance leads available in your area of business and the associated cost of the leads.


Plans & Pricing

Order leads for just $ .09 per name plus a processing fee of $75.00 or less depending on the quantity ordered. Fee is waived for orders of over 10,000 names

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