Subscribe To The Best New Homeowner Mailing List

Our fast weekly new homeowner mailing list allows you to: Welcome New Homeowners to the neighborhood and introduce your products and services Quickly contact qualified leads who have great excellent credit and are ready to buy Beat the competition to new customers Drive response with relevant incentives and discounts To get your free information packet […]

Direct Mail – Mission Possible

Our mission is simple; to provide our clients with the right tools to help grow their businesses. Help us help you We understand how hard it is to find consumers who can use your products and services.  So let us take care of the hard part. Homeowners Marketing Services is the #1 compiler of New […]

Helping businesses With Direct Marketing…One business at a time

Most marketing Companies don’t understand the meaning of “FRESH” when it comes to new homeowners lists. Companies claim that they produce the freshest list when in reality their lists are 6 months old or even older! Why would any business want to purchase a stale list like that? Homeowners Marketing Services is based on helping […]

Marketers Grapple with Roadblocking Gmail Feature

The article below demonstrates why more marketing campaigns turn to Direct Mail, a proven and effective “unfiltered” channel. A new Gmail inbox makes it harder for retailers and other email marketers to get out their messages. Recognizing the volume of emails can be overwhelming, the Google-owned email service has been rolling out an inbox that […]

Find out what Acxiom knows about you

At least one big-name data broker thinks I’m an Asian who owns a cat and a boat and loves to travel. Sounds like someone who leads a much more interesting life than I do. That’s the profile Acxiom revealed when I plugged my name, address, and other information into the data broker’s free service. […]

Direct Mail – Go Postal and Stand Out

In the age of Internet and Social Media, novice marketers easily get confused thinking everything must go digital. Actually the opposite is true. For a few reasons: Technology outpaces human behavioral changes Humans don’t change by flipping a switch. The proof? Your local super market still carries magazines and tabloids on stands in the check […]

Is Direct Mail Really Dead?

Hubspot, the Inbound Marketing industry leader, has recently released these statistics.Reviewing their highlights helps clarify the outbound (actively seeking customers) marketing options available to you and along the way kill a rumor about the death of Direct Mail. We’ll let you be the judge: 200 million Americans have registered their phone numbers on the FTC’s […]

Starting a Marketing Campaign For Your Business

What to Know and What to Expect You Will Learn about the critical first steps to starting a successful marketing campaign The big secret that no one teaches is how to get started with the right assumptions and the right tools. How you prepare for your first marketing campaign has the biggest effect of its […]

Making an Effective Mail Piece

In any form of mail marketing, the central piece of your advertising is your mail piece. It tells the recipient what your business is about, and what you are offering. Direct mail marketing has several advantages over e-mail marketing, but those advantages mean nothing if your mail piece cannot effectively send your intended message. With […]

Direct Mail Gets Faster Response

In an industry that continually is looking for the next technological advancement to engage consumers, it’s still traditional direct mail that generates the fastest response. According to the latest research from the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) consumers are more likely to respond faster to direct mail than email as seen in their infographic:   Direct […]