Direct Mail Magazine Explains Why Good Mailing Lists Are Key To Marketing Success

A recent article in the Mailing Systems Magazine, an industry leading magazine covering technology and solutions for print and mail companies, provided tips and advice intended to help these companies maximize their customers’ ROI. The article is titled “Help Customers Get the Most Out of Their Postage Dollars”. The article discusses how print and mail […]

Email Marketing Becoming More Dangerous For Businesses

In a post dated 10/3/2023 Google is making a big change in how it addresses Email Marketing. Gmail will now enforce strict email validation and set high bar on bulk senders. You can find more details in Google’s post laying ground for their new Email Marketing Rules. Of course Gmail is acronym not only for […]

New Homeowners Mailing List Is Your Starting Point In 2023

New Survey Reveals Direct Mail and Mailing Lists Insights A study conducted by Lob, a market leader in automation of Direct Mail printing and fulfillment,  reveals a lot of priceless insights about where Direct Mail and therefore Consumer Mailing Lists are headed in 2023 and beyond. The study evaluates both the side of businesses marketing […]

Mailbox Is Better Than Inbox – Direct Mail Marketing Is Easier Than You Think

How Direct Mail Campaigns Are Won Direct mail is an effective marketing tool to increase customer engagement, build brand recognition, and boost sales. However, with so much competition in the market, companies must feature something unique if they want their message to be read and acted upon. A well-designed direct mail campaign requires more than […]

The Power of Direct Mail In The Digital Era

Offline vs. Online Digital marketing has become increasingly popular among businesses to reach their target audiences. However, it is important not to overlook the power of print. A printed mail piece such as a postcard, letter, printed magnet or a business card, can be much more memorable than even the most sophisticated digital marketing efforts. […]

Your Business Grows with Targeted Marketing Lists

Marketing via social media and other digital channels can appear to be a chaotic environment of countless businesses vying to attract attention from potential buyers. For businesses that are struggling to reach or engage with the right potential customer base, direct marketing can help you to reach your audience. Direct marketing offers several advantages including […]

Digital Marketers Discover Direct Mail In Post-COVID Era

COVID-19 has been hard on most small businesses, as on big ones. It forced many to be resourceful and find new ways to bring customers back or find new ones, to keep the business alive. In this process, many businesses discovered good old direct marketing techniques. But they also found that even a simple postcard […]

Grow Your Business with Direct Mail

Postcards and letters are two of the most popular direct mail marketing methods, and they both have unique benefits that could help you grow your business. If you are looking for a way to find new customers and diversify your marketing strategy, Direct Mail Marketing is something you should seriously consider. Though the advent of […]

Writing a Great Direct Mail Postcard

Every day we talk to business owners, across the country, and hear the same story in different versions. They all want to know how to get more people to respond to their mailings. A key to success is a great postcard or letter. Well, as our experience taught us, it all starts with a great […]

What Is Direct Mail Marketing?

… and its top 5 benefits Direct mail marketing is one of the available vehicles of the Direct Marketing discipline. It is a marketing medium that involves sending printed promotional material to a list of predetermined recipients, also known as “the audience”. The “direct” portion of “direct mail marketing”, comes from the manner in which […]