10 Ways to Create More Leads with Your Postcards

If you’ve been reading our blog for a while, you probably know that the two most important aspects of a successful postcard campaign are: The quality of your mailing list The quantity of your mailings But one other aspect runs a very close third. It can make the difference between a mildly successful campaign and […]

10 Elements Every Marketing Postcard Should Have

Don’t want your direct mail to end up in the trash with the rest of the unread mail? These 10 tips will help you get the results you want: 1. A clear, bold headline. On the envelope or front of the mailer there should be one central message. The best way to achieve that is […]

Choosing a Direct Mail Piece for New Homeowners

When marketing to New Homeowners, we take care of the list for you. You don’t have to worry about the names and whether the address is mailable (some lists provide you addresses even though no one has yet moved in, or worse, the address doesn’t undergo hygiene process, so you end up with returned mail). […]

Tips for a Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

Direct Mail Works … For YOU! According to the USPS (United States Postal Service), back in 2006 over 213 billion (with a “B”) were processed and delivered. We all get mail in our inbox, just like we do email. According to recent statistics, Direct Mail is getting much love from marketers, simply because despite of […]

Send Direct Mail to New Movers and Earn New Customers

What does Direct Mail have to do with moving? According to a study published by Epsilon in 2016, about 12% of the US population moves each year. They are called “New Movers” upon moving.Approx. 25% of the movers move due to sale of property. This portion of the “New Movers” are “New Homeowners”. New Homeowners […]

Direct Marketing Getting A Tad More Expensive

Direct Marketing relies on Direct Mail Campaigns as the most effective channel, with respect to the initial investment (i.e. ROI). But will it also stay the most cost effective, beside most effective, as we look to marketing our businesses in 2018? It’s no secret the USPS has been struggling for quite some time. With that […]

Consumers Like Brands Sending Direct Mail

At a time of social, economic and political change, it’s important that every single message you deliver is trusted. Can Direct Mail help improve your business’ perception in the marketplace? Mail scores very highly in the key components of trust. A personal message delivered direct to someone’s home – like a letter or brochure – […]

Direct Mail Still Cutting Through Clutter

The debate between traditional and modern is an age-old one. We see it in architecture, fashion trends, and restaurant styles. Opposing sides either lean on the comfortably familiar or are energized and lured by the new, daring techniques. In marketing too, the debate between the traditional and modern rages now more than ever. At its […]

Direct Mail Remains a Strong Pizza Marketing Tool

In a landscape where digital and mobile advertising have seemingly made past marketing methods look like old-school relics, many experts argue that direct mail is still very much alive today—thriving, in fact. After all, email inboxes have become more clogged with an endless stream of offers, while mailbox loads have considerably lightened. “Consumers get hundreds […]

What Is Direct Mail Marketing? Why Is It Good For Business?

What Is Direct Mail Marketing Anyone with a mailbox receives some type of Direct Mail Marketing — be it a 15-percent-off coupon for Kohl’s or Macy’s sent exclusively to store credit-card holders, or a mailing from a local real-estate broker informing you of the current market value of your home. Some other direct mail marketing […]