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Direct Mail Marketing Still Delivers Strong ROI in the Digital Age
Picture this: A stack of unopened emails piling up in an inbox while a clever postcard from a local landscaping
How to Choose the Best Mailing List Service for Your Business
If you’re running a business and looking to get your message in front of the right people, one thing’s for
Reaching the Right Audience – The Power of Targeted Marketing with Homeowners Marketing Services
When it comes to marketing these days, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of buzzwords and strategies. But
How Targeted Direct Mail Campaigns Drive Business Growth?
Digital ads and Email marketing have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, one marketing tool that many thought was
Boost Your Business with Targeted Marketing: The Power of Homeowners Marketing Services
Marketing is at the core of any brand’s promotion. Whether you are launching a new product or improving your service
Quality Data Powers Direct Mail’s Future
According to a recent report by Lob, a leading Direct Mail Automation company, Direct Mail Marketing in 2024 is alive
Direct Mail In 2025
A recent post in Printing Impressions Magazine (you should checkout their podcast), Summer Gould is making some well articulated predictions
The Power of Neuroscience in Direct Mail Campaigns
Direct Mail Alert Magazine, in a recent article, touts the magical powers embodied by Direct Mail Marketing that are unique
Why e-Commerce Companies Are Reconsidering Direct Mail
Direct Mail Sees Resurgence With Digital Brands Going “Analog” … A recent article published in ModernRetail online magazine , covers
Why Good Mailing Lists Are Key to Direct Mail Success
A recent article in the Mailing Systems Magazine, an industry leading magazine covering technology and solutions for print and mail
Direct Mail: The Key to Business Success in Digital Age
Direct Mail Claiming Its Place Alongside Digital Platforms A recent article on DigiDay Magazine makes a clear argument for why
Email Marketing Becoming More Dangerous For Businesses
In a post dated 10/3/2023 Google is making a big change in how it addresses Email Marketing. Gmail will now
New Homeowners Mailing List Is Your Starting Point In 2023
New Survey Reveals Direct Mail and Mailing Lists Insights A study conducted by Lob, a market leader in automation of
Mailbox vs. Inbox: Direct Mail Is Easier Than You Expect
How Direct Mail Campaigns Are Won Direct mail is an effective marketing tool to increase customer engagement, build brand recognition,
The Power of Direct Mail In The Digital Era
Offline vs. Online Digital marketing has become increasingly popular among businesses to reach their target audiences. However, it is important
Your Business Grows with Targeted Marketing Lists
Marketing via social media and other digital channels can appear to be a chaotic environment of countless businesses vying to
Research Reveals the Secret Power of Direct Mail Marketing
What Is Direct Mail Marketing Direct Mail Marketing is a strategy used by marketers to engage prospects and customers’ offline
Digital Marketers Discover Direct Mail In Post-COVID Era
COVID-19 has been hard on most small businesses, as on big ones. It forced many to be resourceful and find
Direct Mail Proves Successful During The Pandemic
You’ve probably reevaluated your marketing strategies since the beginning of the pandemic. After all, consumer buying has changed quite a
Why You Should Use Direct Mail During COVID-19
Why Direct Mail during COVID-19 ? I can sum it up into 3 words: because it works, but really there
Grow Your Business with Direct Mail
Postcards and letters are two of the most popular direct mail marketing methods, and they both have unique benefits that
Direct Mail – Why Your Business Needs It
More than any other marketing medium, direct mail gets a bad rap. For years, we’ve heard and read statements like
Writing a Great Direct Mail Postcard
Every day we talk to business owners, across the country, and hear the same story in different versions. They all
What Is Direct Mail Marketing?
… and its top 5 benefits Direct mail marketing is one of the available vehicles of the Direct Marketing discipline.
Why Your Next Customer Is a New Homeowner
Spending habits – You should care The past few years have seen a dramatic rise in home buying and new
New Movers Make Great Restaurant Leads
Here at Homeowners Marketing Services we’ve been telling businesses big and small that new movers and new homeowners make great
How To Design A Good Direct Mail Piece
The below article by Postcard Mania lists 10 principals that can make any mail piece an effective, helping improve your
Why Target New Movers Using our Mailing List
Over 35 million Americans move each year using everything from professional movers to old station wagons. Land of the Free,
The Value of Direct Mail Marketing
While many landscaping companies get the majority of their new business from word of mouth, this doesn’t mean that you
Our Mailing List Becomes a Free Online Campaign
Online for the price of Online In the age of Digital Marketing, how can you turn our affordable Mailing Lists
Targeting Audience with Direct Mail
Direct Mail Who? From time to time we get a sneer when we bring up the idea of Direct Mail
Direct Mail Increase Sales for Retailers
Direct Mail, often seen as antiquated by the now extensive online access to information, still has broad value to shoppers
Diversify Your Marketing Mix To Reach New Customers
Take a minute to think about your marketing strategy and your marketing mix. Is it working for you as well
Why Direct Mail Mailing Lists Work? Here’s another reason
Direct Mail proven again as a safe and effective marketing vehicle. It respects the audience as it presents a subtle
Direct Marketing – Reaching New Customers Without Breaking The Bank
Do you want to sell more products or provide more services to New Homeowners and New Movers? You’ve come to
New Homeowners – A Great Source for Remodeling Leads
New homeowners offer a great source of remodeling leads During the boom, Sherman Webb was busy remodeling hotels. Once everything
E-mail Vs. Direct Mail: Which Is Better?
Using opt-in e-mail can be a great way to generate leads and sales. But so can regular snail mail. Here’s
Can Direct Mail Keep More Customers Than Groupon?
Will Social media replace Direct Mail? Consumers have gotten savvier about finding good bargains, so businesses have to work harder
The Benefits of Direct Mail for Small Business Marketing
Why Direct vs. Other Media Direct Mail touches people every day. Many people look forward to receiving their daily mail.
25% of New Homeowners Make for Great Remodeling leads
25% of New Homeowners Remodel Kitchens and Baths. Fact! Buyers of old homes will remodel the kitchen and bath more
Target New Homeowner Leads By Mail
Homeowners Marketing Services will supply you with 100% of the new homeowners in your area, days after closing escrow on
Subscribe To The Best New Homeowner Mailing List
Our fast weekly new homeowner mailing list allows you to: Welcome New Homeowners to the neighborhood and introduce your products
Direct Mail – Mission Possible
Our mission is simple; to provide our clients with the right tools to help grow their businesses. Help us help
Helping businesses With Direct Marketing…One business at a time
Most marketing Companies don’t understand the meaning of “FRESH” when it comes to new homeowners lists. Companies claim that they
Marketers Grapple with Roadblocking Gmail Feature
The article below demonstrates why more marketing campaigns turn to Direct Mail, a proven and effective “unfiltered” channel. A new
Find out what Acxiom knows about you
At least one big-name data broker thinks I’m an Asian who owns a cat and a boat and loves to
Direct Mail – Go Postal and Stand Out
In the age of Internet and Social Media, novice marketers easily get confused thinking everything must go digital. Actually the
Is Direct Mail Really Dead?
Hubspot, the Inbound Marketing industry leader, has recently released these statistics.Reviewing their highlights helps clarify the outbound (actively seeking customers)
Starting a Marketing Campaign For Your Business
What to Know and What to Expect You Will Learn about the critical first steps to starting a successful marketing
Making an Effective Mail Piece
In any form of mail marketing, the central piece of your advertising is your mail piece. It tells the recipient
Direct Mail Gets Faster Response
In an industry that continually is looking for the next technological advancement to engage consumers, it’s still traditional direct mail
Small Business Direct Marketing That Works
A successful business is one that has a marketing plan that works. Contrary to popular opinion, the successful marketing plan
Why Targeted Direct Mail Marketing Still Works
Does Direct Mail Marketing Work? The dawn of the internet has introduced many great, innovative ways of reaching new customers
CEDIA Live Video Coverage
CEDIA 2014 is an amazing show. It is exciting to witness new technologies roll out, benefiting consumers who can automate
Direct Mail Preferred Over Email: Reputable Survey Finds
A recently published article in the Huffington Post claims that despite the prevalence of email and digital marketing and the
Direct Mail Marketing – Advice for Small Business
If your business is sending out flyers, postcards or letters to targeted lists such as our New Homeowners list, it
USPS Now Emails You Pictures of Your Mail
Snail mail gets a digital upgrade. In hopes of making snail mail more convenient, the U.S. Postal Service will begin
New Movers Survey – USA
Epsilon, a data firm, recently released the results of the 2015 New Mover Report, which looks at consumers’ reasons for
Most Common And Costliest Homeowner Claims
If you’re an insurance agent, selling quality insurance products to homeowners, movers and renters – you must be asking yourself
Grow Your Sales with Affordable Direct Mail
Did you need that one little nudge to make up your mind and start mailing New Homeowners so your business
Small and New Businesses – Who Do You Trust?
A recent study done by Alignable – a small business social network, shows which companies, service providers and ultimately, products,
Affordable Housing – National Report From NLIHC
In the annual report Out of Reach, released by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, an alarm is raised about
Today’s First Time Homeowners …. Older And Single
These data should definitely grab the attention of brands and marketers everywhere, as it seems the profile of home buyer
Why a Targeted Mailing List Is The Right Thing For Your Business
Direct Mail – Do You Remember? Think about the last time you went to the mailbox and pulled out a
Direct Mail Works When Marketing to Millennials
Millennials & Mailboxes… Many financial marketers assume that Millennials don’t like, don’t open and don’t read direct mail pieces. Not
10 Ways to Create More Leads with Your Postcards
If you’ve been reading our blog for a while, you probably know that the two most important aspects of a
10 Elements Every Marketing Postcard Should Have
Don’t want your direct mail to end up in the trash with the rest of the unread mail? These 10
Housing Market; Marketing to New Homeowners
A decade after the onset of the Great Recession, the national housing market is finally returning to normal. With incomes
Choosing a Direct Mail Piece for New Homeowners
When marketing to New Homeowners, we take care of the list for you. You don’t have to worry about the