Small Business Direct Marketing That Works

A successful business is one that has a marketing plan that works. Contrary to popular opinion, the successful marketing plan does not require multi-million dollar ad campaigns or high powered publicity blitzes. What is required is a new way of advertising to help your business grow. Marketing to New Homeowners has always been a positive approach to attracting new customers.

New Homeowners

New Homeowners have immediate needs, are in the spending mode and they have phenomenal credit. However they do not yet know you exist, using a Fast – Weekly – Accurate New Homeowners Mailing List will give you the opportunity to introduce your business to them and get their business in return. Homeowners Marketing Services Inc. compiles the largest, fastest, and most accurate database of all new homeowners in the U. S. Our mailing list allows subscribers to acquire new customers who have immediate needs to purchase new products and services with compelling direct mail campaigns. There are only three National compilers in the United States – Homeowners Marketing Services provides data faster, both Nationally and Regionally! We have been providing our lists to thousands of businesses over the past 41 years. With many of them claiming National Sales Awards when utilizing our list as the foundation of their campaign.

Contact us for details and free samples.

Categories: Marketing Tips

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