Do you want to sell more products or provide more services to New Homeowners and New Movers?

You’ve come to the right place!
Our website can help you market to New Homeowners and New Movers around the block or even all over the nation.
You get to pick whom to reach and we get them for you.
As you keep reading, you’ll find out new homeowners make a great audience for your products and services, as they have purchasing power and are establishing new buying habits.
In this economy, it doesn’t get any better than that.
Now the only question is; how to reach these prospects before your competitors make them an offer?
It doesn’t matter what size of business you run or what products or services you provide. New homeowners in your area are looking for local providers for all their needs.
As the nations’ largest and oldest compiler of new homeowner data, we pride ourselves on connecting you to the right person at the right time.
Homeowners Marketing Services has keyed and
compiled New Homeowners Lists for over 40 years
- We provide the fastest list in the country
- 100% guaranteed – check outour Guarantee Policy
- Our list is pure owner occupied for maximum results
- Our databases are updated daily
- Provided on labels or via email
- Consistent A- rating with the BBB
- Over 45,000 clients served in over 4 decades
- Under same management since 1975
- Leads customized to your areas & demographics
If you have used a slow or inaccurate list, call us right away for counts and a free sample.
Lists are customized to your area.
Select from rich criteria, further helping you focus your targeting, including:
- Home Value
- Loan Amount
- Lender Name
- Accurate Phone Numbers
- Year Built
- Lot Size
- Swimming Pool
and much much more. Check out our mailing list counts platform – FREE & accessible