Direct Mail – Why Your Business Needs It

More than any other marketing medium, direct mail gets a bad rap. For years, we’ve heard and read statements like “Direct Mail is dead,” and “I’d rather spend my budget on digital than get pitched in the trash,” and “email is a better, cheaper alternative.”

Lately, however, the conversation is changing. In recent months, we’ve seen articles like this one, which explains why direct mail is making a resurgence. And then there is this one, which supports the idea that Direct Mail has a more lasting impression on consumers than Digital Marketing.

Of course, we’re a bit partial to Direct Mail, since that’s been our industry for more than 60 years. However, we want to earn your business fair and square, so we understand that means you must be convinced that in 2020, your marketing dollars, are best spent on Mailing Lists, using Direct Mail as the vehicle to make your business known to your future customers, those who still don’t know you or enough about you but are very likely to become your customer had they known about you.

Direct Mail USPS Mailbox
USPS utilizes mailbox to collect Direct Mail pieces

So look at the facts we collected here and the case we’re making for Direct Mail. We’re certain it is pretty convincing. We hope it’s enough for you to be curious enough to contact us and have an honest conversation to see if our service can work for you. We only want customers whose sales we can grow. That’s why most of our customers have been with us for over 12 years. If we can’t really be of value to you, why bother? We’re not interested in short term gains. Our customers know us on a first name basis.

So … Here are a few facts most people don’t know about Direct Mail Marketing. See if that changes your mind.

Top Benefits of Offline Marketing

  1. 56% of consumers think print marketing is the most trustworthy of all marketing channels. (Source)
  2. Among 18 to 24-year-olds, 69% say they prefer print and paper communications to reading off a screen. (Source)

Mail Preference

  1. 98% of consumers bring their mail in the day it is delivered; 77% of them sort through it immediately. (Source)
  2. Consumers spend an average of 30 minutes reading mail on any given occasion. (Source)
  3. 70% of Americans say that mail is more personal than the internet. (Source)
  4. 73% of US consumers said they prefer direct mail for brand communications because they can read it at their convenience. (Source)
  5. 59% of U.S. respondents agreed with the following statement, “I enjoy getting postal mail from brands about new products.” (Source)
  6. 56% of postcards are read by direct mail recipients, making them the most read direct mail pieces. (Source)
  7. 48% of people retain direct mail for future reference. (Source)

Direct Mail Response

  1. 79% of consumers will act on direct mail immediately, compared to only 45% who say they deal with email immediately. (Source)
  2. 76% of Americans have been influenced to purchase by direct mail.
  3. Direct mail response rates still top those of other mediums; the average direct mail response rate is 1.1-1.4% compared to .03% for email, .04% for internet display and .22% for paid search. (Source)
  4. Targeted B2B direct mail has a response rate of 4.4% — nearly 37 times that of email (.12%). (Source)
  5. 56% of consumers say they have tried a new business after receiving direct mail, while 70% have renewed previous relationships with businesses.
  6. 44% of people said they had visited a brand’s website after receiving direct mail; 34% searched online. (Source)
  7. Between 2004 and 2014, direct mail response rates increased 14%, while email response rates dropped 57%. (Source)
  8. Cost-per-acquisition for direct mail is very competitive. Direct mail stands at $19, which fares favorably with mobile and social (both at $16-18), paid search ($21-30), internet display ($41-50) and even email ($11-15). (Source)
  9. One in 5 throw away unopened direct mailings. Among the top reasons stated: 55% are not interested in the product, 49% were not interested in the company and 44% object to being marketed to. (Source)

What’s Next?

These facts clearly indicate that any business owner who does NOT consider diversifying their marketing efforts with a simple Direct Mail piece is missing out on a huge chunk of potential customers that may not respond as well to other means of advertising.

Moreover, Direct Mail allows you to experiment in a cost effective way – you can make your own Direct Mail piece and save a great deal of money by targeting only the “right people at the right time” – meaning – the audience that is likely to make a purchase. Our Mailing List do just that by being the most accurate and “fresh” (only targeting people who recently moved to your area, so they’re likely to look for new businesses to shop from).

We encourage you to look through our website and furthermore, give us a call or contact us, so we can answer more specific questions that relate to your business.

One thing we can guarantee you won’t get from “google” or “facebook” is the personal service. If we find our service is not the best match for your goals, we will not waste your time or money. Try asking for your money back from facebook after a $1,500 campaign fails to reach the right audience. Our Mailing Lists allow you to slowly ramp up the budget spent on marketing; test, learn, improve and keep growing as you improve. That’s how we have helped thousands of customers grow their sales.

Let us do the same for you.



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