In the age of Internet and Social Media, novice marketers easily get confused thinking everything must go digital.
Actually the opposite is true. For a few reasons:
Technology outpaces human behavioral changes
Humans don’t change by flipping a switch. The proof? Your local super market still carries magazines and tabloids on stands in the check out line. We still send greeting cards even if digital to some degree. In essence – the nature of human beings is something that doesn’t change overnight, and as such appealing to it doesn’t either.
Some sectors change slower than others
If your business appeals only to the 18-25 year old, then yes, perhaps going all digital is something worthy of CONSIDERING.
Yet if you are offering products and services to people who need good credit, or at price tags that require higher income level or even services like “dry cleaners”, which are mostly required by professionals and family households, then STOP AND THINK; these are consumers who use their cellphones and email for work mainly. Using just those channels guarantee you’ll be pushed to the bottom of the queue. Instead, try to use channels that they get less disturbed by.
Diversity Ensures Success
Just like you wouldn’t invest your entire savings on a single stock or company, why trust your entire marketing to a single outlet or channel? You surely don’t watch only one channel on your TV right?
So as you invest in say both gold and dollar, if one drops the other picks up – hence you’re ensured from the kind of loss that putting “all eggs in one basket” strategy brings.
Use a combination of Internet Marketing with Direct Mail Marketing and watch your results soar!
Cost and R.O.I
As companies like Google and Facebook raise the CPC, the cost of running effective social and paid search campaigns has sky rocketed in last few years.
Sure, you can run a campaign for $100, but at current price level, see probably 20-30 clicks, if that, or get very few impressions run (if you’re doing CPM advertising).
For that kind of budget, why not send a few personalized letters or postcards to a chosen crowd that is physically located where you do business and be appreciated for the effort you took to communicate to them personally?
Read this short article on Manta and see what some real people had to say about Direct Mail as means of obtaining new quality customers. Here are just a few:
Brad Curtis
Postcards are easier to view than other direct mail pieces. In fact they are difficult to ignore, vs a mail piece that requires one to open an envelope. Make the postcard design pleasant to receive. Use full color photos and graphics. Most people do not resent receiving a pleasant postcard, but receiving an unsolicited email Ad can create a rather nasty response. I recommend a simple custom attention grabbing design, then make an offer to bring the person viewing the card to your business online or brick and mortar. Try different offers and track results to find out what works. Do not try to make a sale on a postcard, there is not enough room. Just focus on grabbing pre-sale attention and use it to make contact.
Claire Easley
We love to design our own postcards for Southern Sisters Gourmet- our food business. Vista Print is always running specials if you are on their email list. So easy to do with their templates!
Randy James
Postcards are great because if you send it to an office, you get exposure to everyone in the chain who touches your postcard
Direct Mail Marketing – Summary
In closing, TEST TEST TEST – These days it’s cheap and easy to get a list of targeted audience, produce an affordable mail piece (you can print on your home printer!), send it out and watch the magic in action…
Call one of our lists specialists today at (888) 888-5557 – they can get you started with postcard templates and examples of mail pieces that made some of our clients boat loads of new sales.
What do you stand to lose for not trying?… Your new customers.
If your business has a product or service that a New Mover / New Homeowner needs, you should talk to us. We’ve been compiling the nation’s best New Homeowners Mailing List for over 40 years. We also can provide you with New Movers list if this target audience proves a better match. Each week we capture almost 100,000 New Homeowners who move into their new property.

Want to know how many of them move into a neighborhood in your area of business? Don’t let your business lose another customer to your competitors just because you didn’t send them a simple flyer you can print in your office or home.
Contact us today and find out how you can start adding new customers each week. Let us help you reach the right people at the right time, when they are ready to make a purchase.