Direct Mail Magazine Explains Why Good Mailing Lists Are Key To Marketing Success

A recent article in the Mailing Systems Magazine, an industry leading magazine covering technology and solutions for print and mail companies, provided tips and advice intended to help these companies maximize their customers’ ROI.

The article is titled “Help Customers Get the Most Out of Their Postage Dollars”.

The article discusses how print and mail service providers can help clients save money on postage despite rising costs.

For mail service providers, it’s important to help clients get the most out of their mailing budget to retain them. The article suggests several strategies:

  1. Changing formats: Reduce postage costs by using postcards or smaller letters.
  2. Targeting the right audience: Only mail to those likely to be interested, reducing wasted postage.
  3. Improving deliverability: Use address verification tools to avoid undeliverable mail.
  4. Householding: Combine several pieces of mail for the same address into one.
  5. Removing duplicates: Ensure no one receives the same mailing twice.
  6. Using USPS promotions: Take advantage of discounts offered by the postal service.
  7. Personalization: Tailor messages to specific audiences to increase engagement.

At Homeowners Marketing Services, we found this article complementing of our mailing lists strength. While we know how to say our own praise, it’s twice as impactful when others do so.

New Opportunities Concept – Green Pushpin on a Map Background with Selective Focus.

The 2nd point of the article – choosing the right list, is a cornerstone in our recommendation for businesses to use our services and our mailing lists. We create target audiences that are time and place sensitive such that our customers only mail consumers who are most likely to respond to their offer and result in a purchase.
For example: most new homeowners are likely to not know their new area of residence very well, be more open to new offers from businesses they can patron ranging from family services through pet services, health professionals (dentists for example) and even retail shops and restaurants.

The 3rd point of the article – deliverability – another core feature of our mailing lists since 1967, has been that we guarantee at least 97% deliverability (that means no more than 3% may disqualify) and that is because we pride ourselves on under promising and over delivering – meaning – in most cases deliverability is way way higher than 97% and closer to 99% but we only promise what we are certain we can deliver.

The 5th point speaks to the issue of list hygiene and accuracy. Our lists make sure not to give you the same recipient twice such that you do not waste your precious funds on mailing someone who had already received your offer.

The last point – personalization – is why we insist on having named leads such that you can personalize your message, exceptions are few and far between.

In closing, the article acknowledges that these strategies may reduce mailing volume, but argues that retaining clients with lower volume is better than losing them entirely. By offering services like data analysis and address cleaning, mail service providers can create new revenue streams while helping clients save money. This way, both mail service providers and their clients benefit.

We at Homeowners Marketing Services are available to answer any question you have about how to turn your business into a marketing success all while being able to either do it yourself at a nickel and dime budget or hire professionals to do it for you – we will provide you nothing short of the most quality leads in the most timely manner so you are able to reach the right consumers at the right place and time when they are situated appropriately to be likely to become a new customer of yours and become a great return on investment.

Contact us today and let an expert answer every question and concern you might have.

We want to earn your business.


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